7 Day Detox: Day 7

WHAAAAT!? You made it! You made it! You made it! I know you probably woke up today looked at yourself in the mirror and thought…

“WOW, I look great!” I’m sure you look G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S, and this is only the beginning.

Today’s Exercise:

Warm-up for 5-10 minutes, what the heck do 10 minutes, it’s the last day! Once you’re all warmed-up with a BIG smile on that beautiful face, complete the following exercises:

Tip of the Day:

Start adding food slowly back into your diet – one day at a time and make note of how you feel after. I want to make sure what you lost stays off, so continue following the Detox rules moderately.

For example, if you add yogurt back into your diet be sure to pay close attention to how you feel after having yogurt (i.e. Do you have bloating symptoms again? Gas? If so you should leave out yogurt for a little longer. Same goes for bread, sugars, grains and sometimes eggs and red meat).


Remember to complete your weigh in no later than tomorrow morning, do it right now if you can.

I want to keep going, show me what’s next MARCELA!

If you email me your before and after pictures, total pounds lost, and posts your weekly win in the Facebook group you will be entered to win a FREE month of my Burn It In 30 program. Yes, I said free! The results are crazy good, look at my beautiful client only after 30 days!

I want to BURN IT, BURN IT!